Whether you are interested in building your leadership capacity, succession planning, employee engagement, transitioning to other opportunities, or culture change, Grace & Steel Associates offers bespoke solutions for your unique goals, organizational challenges, and situation. Our collective of accomplished and determined specialists provide thoughtfully developed recommendations and high-touch programs to help you to become the version of yourself you wish to be.








Kaizen (改善), kʌɪˈzɛn: noun is the Japanese philosophy of "continual improvement". In business, kaizen refers to activities that continually improve all functions and involves all employees.

In line with the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement, Grace & Steel Associates works to ensure our bespoke services are continually evolving, and that we are the facilitators of our clients’ story of change. By assisting our clients to generate change in areas of soft and operational skills, we are tapping into the techniques that are critical for their success. These include (but are not exclusive to) leadership style, clarity of focus, leadership capacity, communication skill set, strategic thinking and planning, decision-making, situational awareness, and employee engagement and inclusion. We do this by offering interlocking services that can be configured to provide solutions for specific, unique goals and styles.

To be effective, we need your trust, so we work hard to build a strong, respectful, discreet working relationship. This trust allows us to move to the next stage of the process: the stage when candor, veracity, and the willingness to set aside traits and beliefs that no longer serve come to the forefront. This creates space and the opportunity to be challenged, and the freedom to examine, consider, and learn within the boundaries of a safe environment - which ultimately brings us to the zenith of the process: the time to flourish.

Since time is one of our most precious commodities, Grace & Steel Associates interviews, researches, and accounts for a multitude of variables including existing organizational and cultural forces. This enables us to offer bespoke practical solutions that focus on accelerating the development of leadership capabilities.




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